Features: My guitar was made in 2002 in America it was my first guitar and I have always liked the the Strat shape so I choose this. The guitar has 22 frets which are medium sized and the neck is rosewood. I don't know the wood used to make the body since I had a choice with the neck but no the body. The bridge is pretty standered like most other strats and has a 5-way selector with 3 single coil pickups. The tuners are non-locking and are Squier. The guitar cames with a strap, a lead, a spare set of strings and a rubbish elctronic tuner which later broke. // 9
Sound: Well it was my first electric guitar so back then I didn't have a style but I now play in a heavy metal band but I normaly play blues and rock outside of the band so it only really suits outside the band. The amp I use with it is a Marshall 50 DFX and a couple of effects pedals. The guitar is noisy when selected on just one pickup but it is easily sorted since I put a copper plate behind the scratch-plate since it had no sheilding. The guitar can reach tons of diffrent sounds from deep bass to hight treble and is amazing when you solo and switch from diffent pickups to get some weired and ace sounds. // 7
Action, Fit & Finish: The guitar when I bought it was perfectly set up I was amazed when I use the trem the guitar never goes out of tune which normaly happens to my Fender Strat. The pickup were adjusted almost perfectly it was really only the back pickup which wasn't adjusted. The guitar only contains one flaw that the pickups are going rusty but otherwise it is perfect. // 10
Reliability & Durability: The guitar will deffinitly withstand a live play but I wouldnt used it to many nights in a rowbut otherwise it would. The strap buttons on mine I have replced with strap locks like all my guitars since I would kick my self if it dropped and smashed. I would use it in a gig maybe with a back up but I normaly have a backup anyway even if the guitars is very reliable just incase. The guitars finish has not worn off yet and I have had it for 4 years but the hardware is some times questionable since I have had to have it completely rewired. // 8
Impression: I play metal in bands but outside of bands I play blues fued with rock like jimi hendrix but deffinitly not as good. I have been playing for 5 years ruthly and I own a Fender Strat, Artisan 335, Blues Rock double neck SG, Ibanze bass of some sort, a cheap acoustic and a woods steal stringed acoustic and amp wise I ahve a mashall 50 and a small Marshall 10 watt and a couple of effects pedals. There is nothing I wish I ahd asked before buying it really but if it was stolen I would try to get it back but other wise I'm never going to get another squire like it since I ahve tried a few so I would prob get a Jackson or Dean guitar. What I love about it is the thiness about the neck and the amazing sound you can get out of it. What I hate about it is how it just looks like a run of the mill guitar. I choose this one because my guitar teacher mainly reconmended. The only thing I wish it had was a flyde rose trem or locking nuts. // 9
Review by : claguemanx
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