Features: This is your totally standard Tele. American made, 2 single coils, one volume one tone, blade selector Switch. Only unusual thign is that it is not a common colour, it is Vintage white which is a kind of off yellow colour. The scratch plate is black and it has a rosewood board. Hardcase included. Nothing special here, has everything you need and nothing extra. // 7
Sound: I played a lot of different music when I was a music student. I used this for rock, blues, soul and funk music. For anything heavier than classic rock I switched to one of my humbucker equipped guitars. The neck pickup sounds fantastic for lead playing. The bridge is a little too trebley but you can just back off the tone a little to control this. I have used this guitar to record some metal tracks, using it to lay another layer over my humbucker guitars. This gives depth and a huge sound you couldnt get without adding single coils to the mix. // 9
Action, Fit & Finish: This guitar was absolutely flawless and perfectly set up. The chrome is shiny, there are no nicks or blemishes. The action was low, the strings were new. The only problem I can think of is that the little black bit on the end of the pickup Switch was missing. They take these off in the shop so you don't steal them if you lose yours, and they forgot to put it on before putting it in its case. I haven't bothered to replace it as I like the look of it without it. // 10
Reliability & Durability: I have never had any kind of problem with this guitar. I had to slightly adjust the height of one saddle to stop buzzing when I played in drop D. I have played gigs without a backup guitar. it's so simple there really is nothing to go wrong. It stays in tune perectly. The neck is so smooth that your hand doesnt't stick even under the heat of stage lighting. Again I can't fault the guitar in this area. // 10
Impression: This guitar would clearly suck if you needed to play some thrash metal, but that's obviously not the point. For pop/rock/blues/soul/country/indie/funk, virtually anything that doesn't require masses of gain and drive, it is the perfect guitar. If your looking for a lead guitar your better off with a Strat so you can get a whammy bar and a double cutaway. Buy this and a les paul and you will never need another electric guitar. If it was stolen I would buy the same guitar straight away. // 9
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